We’ll help you plan your concert season with a full list of country shows in the area!
Learn more below!
Celebrating all the birthdays in Froggyland! Click here to submit your wish at froggy95johnstown.com.
7:40 AM
Boss Frog and Bo Moore try to stump you with their daily question. If you get it right, you get the title of Mr. or Ms. Smartypants!
6:40 AM
If you have something going on in your life and need feedback, Boss, Bo and Froggyland listeners will help you out! Send us a message on FROGGY95JOHNSTOWN.COM and we’ll discuss your situation on air.
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We’re collecting new or gently used coats, hats and loves for kids. Drop off your donations at our sponsor locations below and together we’ll ensure children in the Laurel Highlands stay warm during the winter of 24′-25′. Donations will go to the Cambria County WIC program for distribution.
Your donations will make a difference for children living in the Laurel Highlands! Taking donations beginning 12/13.